The Impact of Giving on Individual Life & Community

The Impact of Giving on Individual Life & Community

Dalia Khirfan

Dalia Khirfan

Published: 23/11/2023
The Impact of Giving on Individual Life & Community

“Giving” is a gift or something given without compensation. The most abundant form of giving is the broadest and most extensive.

·       “Giving” as a Term

Giving can be defined as one of the human virtues that involves selflessness and sacrifice. It entails not restricting oneself to self-love only but extending it to love for others. Giving means detaching oneself from selfishness and possessiveness, preferring generosity to hoarding. For the generous person, money is a mean, not a goal. Consequently, it is not controlled by desires and the love of wealth but rather by the love of helping others through this wealth.

·       What are the Benefits of Giving?

Giving has numerous positive effects that benefit the individual and society as a whole. Some of these effects include:

1.    Boosting the individual's and the nation's energy and sharpening ambitions.

2.    Assisting in gaining love, respect, and trust from people, family, and society, resulting in a sense of self-satisfaction.

3.    Earning the satisfaction of Allah and receiving rewards.

4.    Expanding the horizons of the nation to build a cohesive and growing society, creating trust, love, and solidarity among its members.

5.    Immersing oneself in charitable work, sacrificing, and helping the vulnerable, experiencing the joy of giving, which protects the giver from many burdens hindering their life.

6.    Recognizing one's generosity and the continuous charitable deeds they contribute."

·       What are the different forms of giving?

Giving comes in various shapes and forms; it does not necessarily have to be materialistic. Spiritual giving is more important for certain groups than monetary, housing, or clothing contributions. This includes the need for love, appreciation, respect, recognition, and the feeling of having a significant role in life. This is known as non-materialistic giving. Some forms of it include:

1.    Spreading peace, as it fosters love, sentiment, and unity among people, bringing joy and security to life. It is one of the best ways to connect and strengthen bonds between individuals. Therefore, it is considered a beneficial form of giving for both the individual and society, given its ease of implementation and applicability at all times and places.

2.    Bringing joy to the hearts of others, besides being a form of charity, is also considered a form of giving. It has a significant impact on specific segments of society.

·       Positive Effects of Giving:

1.    Sense of Self-Satisfaction: Giving and donating money, time, or other resources can be a source of self-satisfaction and self-confidence. The feeling of satisfaction after providing assistance and support is a source of lasting happiness and positivity.

2.    Reduction of Stress and Anxiety: Giving can work to reduce levels of stress, anxiety, and nervous tension. Those who donate money, time, or other resources may experience happiness and comfort due to contributing to the well-being of others.

3.    Improvement of General Health: Giving and donating time and money contribute to health and well-being. Giving can help improve heart health, circulation, immunity, and reduce stress and tension levels

4.    Personal Development: Giving can contribute to personal development and skills enhancement. Those who donate time and money can acquire new skills and learn how to interact with others, improving interpersonal relationships.

5.    Enhancement of Relationships: Giving can improve relationships between individuals and communities. Those who donate time and money can work on strengthening social bonds and cooperation among individuals.

·       Examples of Giving:

There are numerous forms of giving that individuals can engage in at any time. However, Muslims intentionally increase their acts of charity and all forms of worship during the blessed month of Ramadan to earn multiplied rewards. Examples include Zakat (obligatory almsgiving) and Sadaqah Jariyah (ongoing charity).
