Inspiring Stories
Mama Asmahan: "I'll bring tears of joy to your eyes!"

Mama Asmahan: "I'll bring tears of joy to your eyes!"

Published: 24/11/2022
Mama Asmahan: "I'll bring tears of joy to your eyes!"

"I'll bring tears of joy to your eyes!"

These were the words my son said to me during his Tawjihi exams (The General Secondary Education Certificate Examination), and I can honestly say he succeeded, as he brought tears of joy to my eyes. I am Mama Asmaan, and I have proudly served as a mother at Irbid Children's Village since its inception in 1999, until my retirement this month. Today, I want to express my gratitude and bid farewell in my own way, by sharing a glimpse of my remarkable journey with the children at Irbid's Village as their mother,  raising and witnessing 15 boys and girls grow into adulthood and achieve their dreams.

My daughters and sons grew up, and I grew up with them, and together, we faced numerous challenges and milestones. When I began this journey 23 years ago, the task was substantial. I was among the pioneering mothers in the village, and I vividly recall the difficulties these children faced in being accepted by society. People would often inquire about their parents, and the children struggled with responses. My mission was clear: to empower them, nurture their self-confidence, and instill in them the belief that they could excel and accomplish anything they set their minds to. I am proud to say that I succeeded in achieving these goals. One memorable instance was when my daughter returned from school in tears because her peers were not accepting her. I took immediate action, inviting her classmates over and celebrating her birthday with them. They played, enjoyed themselves immensely, and from that day on, she had friends who cherished and accepted her for who she was.

Another touching memory is accompanying my son to school to provide the support and guidance he needed to graduate with top honors. I vividly recall receiving a heartfelt letter of gratitude from the school principal. He was just a child in need of attention and care, like any other child his age. Today, he has grown into an accomplished individual, pursuing his studies in English literature and fluently mastering the language. He was also the one who fulfilled his promise to bring tears of joy with his exceptional performance in his Tawjihi exams. The happiness a mother feels upon her children's success is truly beyond words.

Love is an emotion; love is an act of giving. I love my children dearly, more than anything else in the world. I will forever cherish the beautiful moments we shared, from surprise birthday parties they secretly organized to our family gatherings and the unspoken bonds of support and understanding that existed between us. Thanks to the grace of God, all of my children have left the nest before my retirement. Some have reunited with their biological families, while others continue their educational journeys, pursuing diverse fields of study such as law, interior design, and English literature. Several have graduated from university and are now contributing to society through their careers, yet they all maintain a strong connection with me, keeping me informed about their lives.

In conclusion, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to SOS Children's Villages, my family, and my loved ones, as their collaboration and the love we received from the administration and fellow mothers were instrumental in enabling us to provide the best possible care and support to our children. I wish for my children to prosper in life and remain assured that I will always be Mama Asmaan in their hearts. I also urge society to show kindness and compassion toward our children, for they are innocent souls who came into this world seeking the love and warmth of a family.

Thank you, SOS Children's Villages, from the depths of my heart, for affording me the opportunity to be a mother, a source of love, and a guiding light in the lives of these children. They have grown into inspiring and impactful individuals who continue to make a difference in our society.

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