Inspiring Stories
Tamara's Village Diary: A Journey Through My Days

Tamara's Village Diary: A Journey Through My Days

Published: 28/03/2024
Tamara's Village Diary: A Journey Through My Days

My name is Tamara, and I'm ten years old. I live in Irbid Children's Village with Mama Samia and my siblings. I'm in fourth grade now. Every morning, Mama wakes us up for school, and when we come back, we spend time together, and then Mama helps us with our homework.

I'll always remember the time I made it onto the honor roll. We went on a trip with the teachers from the village, and it was amazing! We had lunch, played games, and had a blast. This trip was for students who did really well in school, and Mama was so proud of me. She always cheers me on and helps me improve. I felt proud of myself too because I want to be a dentist one day. I love helping people!

One of the times I'm happiest is when I play with my brothers and sisters. We often have friendly competitions and enjoy playing games like "Guess The Answer?" I ask them questions, and whoever answers correctly gets a prize. We share a lot of laughs and good times together, spending all our time side by side. What I enjoy the most is drawing. It's my passion, and I also find joy in solving puzzles and creating crafts. I'm also always thrilled when we have outings or go on trips.

After we return from school, unwind, study, and play, we gather around the TV until it's time for iftar, the evening meal to break the fast during Ramadan. Ramadan holds a special place in my heart. The atmosphere is enchanting, filled with warmth and serenity. I cherish having iftar with my family and praying together. Decorating our homes with crescent moons, stars, and lanterns is a tradition I adore. This year, our older siblings who graduated helped us hang the decorations, and it was delightful to see them light up.

During Ramadan, Mama always extends invitations to our older siblings who have graduated, inviting them to join us for iftar, and we have a blast together. They also make it a point to celebrate Eid with us each year. The warm and inviting atmosphere within the village is truly something special. Whether it's sharing laughs and good times at our family house or enjoying the company of our friends and the larger village community, every moment is cherished.

Looking ahead, as I grow up, I won't forget anyone who supported me in the village. My friends, my family, and the place I call home will always hold a special place in my heart. In fact, I plan to continue visiting Mama and my beloved home, just as my older siblings do now. And I'm determined to pursue my dream of becoming a dentist. With faith and hard work, I believe I'll make it a reality.

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