Inspiring Stories
Journey of the Heart: Mama Feryal's Story in SOS Children's Villages Irbid

Journey of the Heart: Mama Feryal's Story in SOS Children's Villages Irbid

Published: 17/03/2024
Journey of the Heart: Mama Feryal's Story in SOS Children's Villages Irbid

They call me Mama Feryal, I started working as an alternative mother when I was 27 years old... And now, after 21 years... I am a mother with all my heart, and this is the greatest achievement in my life. The journey that began as a job turned into a life... and I want to share a small part of my journey with you...

I first arrived at the SOS Children's Villages Irbid in March 2003, completely unaware that it would become my home for the next 21 years. Never could I have envisioned that I would nurture and guide 20 children, and that they would become a part of my being, and that I would grow older with them. These children, now my pride and closest companions, have left an indelible mark on my heart.

On this journey, I became a mother, a mother with all my heart. When you nurture your child from infancy to witnessing their university graduation.. what can you call this feeling? There's no adequate description, but a mother will understand... Only a mother understands the indescribable pride in witnessing her child's growth, from their earliest days to shaping their future. And now they are navigating their lives, planning their future, and you are still watching over them, ever-ready to support and guide them, and praying to God for their success.

Reflecting on my journey in Irbid Children's Village, I'm flooded with countless memories—moments filled with laughter, and tears... Yet, above all, tears of joy. Stepping foot into the village, I immediately assumed the dual roles of both mother and father. It wasn't merely a job; it was a life I was living, growing alongside my children. Witnessing 9 boys and girls graduate from my care, and witnessing some reunite with their families, has been profoundly rewarding. Presently, I'm entrusted with nurturing 4 children—a dynamic mix spanning from kindergarten to the third grade. My unwavering commitment to their well-being has been met with their growth and accomplishments, each milestone filling my heart with immeasurable pride and happiness.

How profound is the joy of every mother in her children? I share in that joy... A mother fulfilled by her children. Watching them blossom into capable young men and women, carving their paths in the world... One graduated with honors in psychology, now pursuing a master's degree. Another is on the cusp of completing university, while one has just graduated, armed with professional degrees, embarking on their careers and life journeys. And this year, I have a son in his Tawjihi year, the General Secondary Education Certificate Examination in Jordan. As you all know, this year is a challenging one, so your prayers are appreciated...

Amidst this journey, I embraced the role of grandmother... welcoming a granddaughter and grandson into our fold. Naturally, my daughter's wedding stands as one of the village's most joyous moments. After she turned 21, deciding to take the leap into marriage, the village came alive with preparations. Witnessing the happiness gleaming in my daughter's eyes, as the entire village rallied around her, was truly heartwarming. From the engagement festivities within the village to the grand celebration with our entire community, every moment was infused with shared joy.

Grateful beyond words, we've nurtured and provided for them, reveling in the boundless joy of their constant presence, standing by me through every joy and sorrow, their unwavering support anchoring me. As the young men and women gather around me, I'm reminded that the greatest achievement of my life is bringing them together...

To my cherished children, both young and grown, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for your unwavering support, for standing by me through every twist and turn. Each shared moment holds a special place in my heart. Gratitude also extends to my village, to Uncle Zakaria, and to the Association... I thank God for this opportunity, and to the Association that paved the way for me, providing all I needed to realize my dreams.
