Support Children

You can make a difference.

Support Children

Individual Donations

SOS Children’s Villages Jordan covers all the children’s needs, facilitates their eduaction, and provides opportunities for them. This way the children grow up in a safe and stable family environment, establishing with long-term relationships that help them to become independent and responsible adults.

We need committed donors and supporters who donate on a regular basis. Even small amounts help support our children. With a regular donation, you are covering part of the needs of children and ensuring that every child is protected and supported.

Ways to support: 

  • According to the Fatwa of the Department of General Fatwa No. 1/1/11/1206, it is acceptable to give zakat and charity donations to orphans and those who lack family support, and there is no difference between them. View The Fatwa here. 
  • Donations are tax-exempted, based on an official letter from the Income and Sale Tax Department.