IPD & Government support

SOS Children's Villages Jordan highly value partnerships with institutional partners to ensure children receive their rights

IPD & Government support

Institutional Partnership Development

SOS Children’s Villages Jordan seeks institutional partnerships with national and International non-governmental organizations, embassies and foundations.

Through these partnerships we are able to implement projects related to children and youth including empowerment and employment, besides covering part of their basic needs such as education, food, clothes and health care.

At SOS Children’s Villages Jordan, we strive to bring various partners together and collaborate with like-minded organizations. Together with our partners we are able to maximize resources, share knowledge and best practices so that our programmes achieve the best possible results for children in need.

SOS Children’s Villages Jordan is a member of several NGO networks and coalitions on issues related to child care, child protection, child rights, welfare and development.

We welcome new partnerships through which we can improve the lives of the children under our care.

Interested organizations can contact us on: 

  • sos.info@sos-jordan.org
  • (+962-6) 566 5724 ext. 104/114
  • (+962-79) 9541600

Partnering with the Government

SOS Children’s Villages Jordan operates under the umbrella of the Ministry of Social Development, which oversees the work of the association and the quality of the alternative care provided to children and youth who lack parental care. We have many partnerships with ministries and governmental institutions that are related to our work, and we are keen to expand those partnerships.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

How does our work align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals?

SOS Children’s Villages Jordan aligns its efforts with the principles of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, where the goals of the United Nations for sustainable development come within the focus of the association's work and strategy.

Through the efforts of SOS Children’s Villages and our many partners, these goals embody a driving principle to ensure that no one is left behind. SOS Children’s Villages contributes to SDGs 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16 and 17. 

Moreover, in alignment with the global environmental focus, our environmental projects tackled several goals including goal 7,12, and 13. 

