Inspiring Stories
Mama Shahira: "I didn't think I would last 3 months... I completed 23 years!"

Mama Shahira: "I didn't think I would last 3 months... I completed 23 years!"

Published: 16/03/2023
Mama Shahira: "I didn't think I would last 3 months... I completed 23 years!"

I never anticipated that I would mark 3 months on this journey... I've actually completed a remarkable 23 years! I go by the name Mama Shihira, an alternative mother in Irbid Children's Village. While I officially retired earlier this year, the truth is, I'll never truly retire from the role of a mother to the incredible 20 young men and women I raised from the time they were mere children. Oh, dear friends, I'm now a grandmother, blessed with 3 grandchildren, courtesy of the children I raised - two delightful girls and an endearing boy who never cease to amaze me.

When I embarked on this journey, the challenges appeared insurmountable to the extent that I initially questioned if I'd last even 3 months! So, what kept me going? Well, within the welcoming embrace of SOS Children's Villages, you don't feel like you have a job. As a mother, it's not a job; it's a way of life. You pour your heart, time, effort, and priorities into your children. You are a mother with a boundless capacity to give.

This unique human connection is something you won't find anywhere else; it can only be experienced within the nurturing environment of a family that truly cares. This role allowed me to tap into the innate instinct with which God blessed me – the instinct of motherhood. Whenever I took a break, I couldn't help but feel like it lasted too long! It's only natural because a mother never truly takes a vacation from her children, and that's exactly what happened to me. I became deeply attached to my sons and daughters, and they became the focal point of my life. I raised them, but more importantly, I grew alongside them. I swell with pride when I think of their accomplishments, and I earnestly wish them success in all their endeavors.

My children have all grown up. Some have ventured into the working world, while others have found life partners. And there are those among them who've been blessed with children of their own, who lovingly refer to me as Teta. I hope for success for my working children in their respective careers. For my daughter who graduated in journalism and media and is now happily married, I wish for her enduring happiness. My daughter who specialized in Arabic language at the university, I hope she continues to shine as she always has. As for my younger children who are still in school, I hope they keep excelling academically and find success in their lives.

Allow me to share a story of my daughter Hiba. When she was a high-achieving 10th-grade student, she earned a scholarship to continue her studies in the United States. Despite my encouragement for her to grasp this opportunity, Hiba decided to decline it because she didn't want to be far from me. As time passed, I couldn't hide my sadness about the missed opportunity. Witnessing that, Hiba came to me with a determined spirit. She said, 'Mama, seeing how sad you were made me realize how important this opportunity was. I'll find another scholarship to study abroad, and I'll make you proud.' True to her word, Hiba's determination led her to secure a master's scholarship, and she embarked on her educational journey in Germany.

To you, Hiba, I want to express that I'm already immensely proud of you! To all my beloved sons and daughters, know that I'm genuinely proud to be your mother. I take pride in being your foremost source of guidance in all aspects of your lives. You are all the greatest joys of my existence. I realized I succeeded on my journey as a mother when I witnessed your heartfelt celebrations of each other's achievements and your unwavering support during challenging times – because that, my dear family, embodies the true essence of family.

My heartfelt gratitude goes out to SOS Children's Villages for affording me the privilege of meeting you all and for granting us the opportunity to be a family in the truest sense of the word.

Uncle Zakaria, a special "thank you" to you! Without your unwavering support, not just for me but for all the mothers from the very beginning, and without your infectious positivity, we wouldn't have been able to offer all that we have. I'd like to convey a message to everyone working with children: this is our expansive family, and regardless of where life takes us, we'll always find our way back to it.

I extend my deepest thanks, utmost respect, and boundless love to each and every one of you.

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