Kafa Masandeh of SOS Children's Villages Jordan on the 16 Days Campaign

Kafa Masandeh of SOS Children's Villages Jordan on the 16 Days Campaign

Published: 04/12/2020

This video is part of the 16-day campaign for the year 2020, implemented by the Jordanian National Commission for Women in partnership with the National Council for Family Affairs. The campaign aims to combat gender-based violence, especially domestic violence against women, girls, and children. It represents a unified message from Jordan's Domestic violence protection system, demonstrating its capability to safeguard victims of domestic violence through implemented measures and available services. Moreover, the campaign encourages victims of violence to break the silence. The 2020 campaign is titled ."#نحن_معكم_ضد_العنف" translating into: We stand with you against Violence. 
