Increasingly employees want to work for companies that have a strong commitment to social responsibility. Working with SOS Children’s Villages Jordan to develop an employee engagement program can help improve employee productivity, increase employee retention rates, support professional development and help attract high quality employees.
There are a number of effective ways to engage your employees in a partnership with SOS Children’s Villages Jordan:
Create an Annual Giving Campaign – Once a year, set a fundraising target for your company and encourage each employee to make a small donation. Offering prizes and incentives will help get employees excited about the initiative. Employee donations are tax deductable and the funds you raise will make a real difference.
Host a Lunch & Learn – Invite a speaker from SOS and bring your employees together over lunch to learn about the challenges children and families face and how your partnership with SOS children’s Villages is making a difference.
Hold a Casual Workday – Help meet your fundraising target, by offering employees the chance to make a small donation in exchange for wearing casual clothes or their favorite sports teams jersey to work on a specific day.
Establish a Payroll Giving Program – Make your CSR commitment apart of your company’s everyday culture. Offer employees the opportunity to make a small donation from each paycheque. Over time this can help hundreds of children and families in a year.
Match Employee Donations – Encourage your employees to help meet the companies fundraising target by increasing the impact of their donation. Matching your employee’s donations will show that you share their commitment to the community.
If you are interested in volunteering with us, you can submit this application form, and we will contact you once we have a volunteering opportunity.
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